Why choose an alternative route for winegrowing?
Organic certification is reassuring but many articles, based on thorough investigations *, prove that it takes a very developed critical mind to approach what is now as much a fashion as a belief.
Terres Falmet wines do not have this certification because my standards go beyond the criteria for organic certification.
My work in the vineyard is based on daily reflections involving observation of the climate, plants and every detail that allows me to establish the requisite “diagnosis” for the way I will intervene. My approach is pragmatic, responsible and above all anticipatory.
A healthy vine has less risk of getting sick, this is an obvious “human” fact. But when the onset of disease has begun, intervention is required, particularly faced with certain diseases that have become endemic and that our ancestors were very familiar with (powdery mildew, downy mildew, etc.). The choice of treatment therefore has to be made with no blinkers on or dogmatic rules but with a lot of common sense by favouring the least intrusive products without compromising on effectiveness. This approach is perfectly detailled in Professor Carbonneau’s article **.
This careful choice explains why the analyses carried out over the years on my estate have revealed a total absence of pesticides in my wines.
Farming vines implies being responsible for an environment where the priority is respect for life – any form of life, either plant or animal. The search for this “Holy Grail” has led Terres Falmet to secure High Environmental Value certification.