Healthy eating has become a major concern for people, who are increasingly aware of the disastrous effects of a form of farming that has taken liberties and made excessive use of plant protection products, more widely known generically as pesticides.
Who can guarantee that we are not poisoning ourselves when we drink wine?
Organic farming is booming and seems to be the answer. But can we guarantee that a wine labelled “organic” is a wine without pesticides?
The answer is that, here as in other issues, no inspections for pesticides are mandatory under this certification, so no guarantee is provided.
To certify to my customers and TERRES FALMET wine lovers, that my wines contain no pesticides I have long had my wines analysed by a specialised laboratory in order to track down the presence of pesticides, even in trace amounts.
These analyses are voluntary and relatively costly.
But the results are plain for all to see, and have been conclusive over the years (see attachments).
This year, I again received the results for the 2015 vintage of L’Ivresse des Cîmes. The findings are absolutely clear: each molecule tested for, and there are no fewer than 93, is followed by “ND” or undetected!
I therefore have complete transparency with my clients.

The findings of the plant protection analysis by Dubernet Laboratories for my 2015 L’Ivresse des Cîmes, AOC Saint-Chinian, are unequivocal for the 93 agrichemicals tested for:
“No phytosanitary residues were detected in this wine sample.”